Conservation, Animal Rehabilitation & Education

"We strive to Rescue and Rehabilitate Chacma Baboons, with the aim to Release them back to their natural habitat whilst simultaneously tackling the problems which cause the baboons to come into our care.”
- Stephen Munro

Stephen Munro
Stephen became Centre Manager in 2009 after many years of being release manager, followed by Managing Director in 2010. After the tragic death of C.A.R.E.'s founder Rita Miljo Stephen was bequeathed the property upon which C.A.R.E. is built & is fully dedicated to the cause.
My Story
Scottish born Stephen has a Batchelor of Science in Animal Care from the University of Aberdeen and has worked (volunteered) at C.A.R.E. since 2003; first joining as a volunteer as part of his degree requirements. Our late Founder Rita Miljo entrusted Stephen to become the first ever male surrogate at C.A.R.E. to a baboon orphan, Blue. Shortly followed by Scruffy; baboons he successfully released with the social troop formed at C.A.R.E. in 2014.
Stephen, a vegetarian, has always had a life-long passion for primates and animal welfare.
In 2006 Stephen became C.A.R.E.'s Release Manager & successfully released his first troop of baboons. This has been followed with a further 7 releases. Stephen possibly has the most experience globally of rehabilitating chacma baboons and releasing them.
We truly hope we add many more releases to the list. He is very at home in the bush on releases, and also very hands-on at the Centre too. Stephen has lots of veterinary experience and very capable of handling a dart gun. However, he is very humble and a genuinely nice guy with sound ethics. Stephen was Rita's right-hand man and worked closely with her for many years. She trusted him fully with every aspect of running the centre and made him a co-director in 2010.
Stephen became Centre Manager in 2009, followed by Director (co) in 2010. After the tragic death of C.A.R.E.'s founder Rita Miljo Stephen was bequeathed the property upon which C.A.R.E. is built & became Managing Director.
Stephen now runs the centre with his partner Samantha Dewhirst, living onsite with their daughter Sophia, and son Sunny.
Stephen is experienced yet modest & sincere. He has incredible knowledge of baboons and their management; he has patience and is quietly very capable of being an industrious, strong leader of C.A.R.E.
Stephen is dedicated and passionate about the welfare of the baboons in his charge, committed to developing and evolving the centre and giving each baboon a chance of freedom.